An Observational Study on Autopsies


  • Uzma Zaheen, Khyzer Hayat Sukhera, Muhammad Hassaan, Mansoora Mirza, Tayyaba Amjad Mustafa, Shaiqa Ramzan



Objective: To find out and evaluate to the number of cases, natural of cases (known, unknown) and unique reference to mode, manner and cause of death of medicolegal autopsies

Study Design:  Cross-sectional study.

Place and Duration of Study: Department of Forensic Medicine, Lahore General Hospital, Lahore from 1st January 2021 to 31st December 2022.

Methodology: Two hundred and forty six medicolegal autopsies were gathered. The perceptions kept in proforma with an accentuation on the gender of subjects, cause of death (natural, un-natural), manner of death, mode of death of known and unknown cases and month-wise variation of post-mortems.

Results: One hundred and eight were natural deaths and 138 were un-natural. Gunshots represented 36% of the deaths through 18% were physical assault related deaths.158 cases were known while the 88 were obscure cases.

Conclusion:  In larger part of the medicolegal post-mortems male populace was involved and brought about by gunshot wounds (homicidal). August and October were the months where greater part of the cases came.

Keywords: Medicolegal autopsy. Mode, Manner, Known and un-known
